And Then:
07-29-02 - 9:39 pm

sun burn sun burn what a treat

lots of skin to peal and eat

baha. joking.

to have a rather extensive vocabulary and a phenomenal grasp of grammar with a superlative command of syntax, one would assume one would be able to function in such a manner that he or she would have the capicty required for abstract thought, correct? then why the fuck won't johnny, the man with square glasses and male pattern baldness combed and geled into the shape of a cereal box, let me fucking work at the pancake maker machine but billy, the mullet wearing buck toothed huk huk uhh 2 eggs or 9 for here or for sit down paper or aluminum ignorant kid, makes 6.50 doing so. ignorance = money in our great oasis of oppurtunity. even with the predisposition of any skill and or talent, a persons qualifications mean zilch when compared to minorities, handicaps, and any other person who managemnet feels required to hire from fear of a law suit. and im spent.

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