And Then:
tallest tower
07-27-02 - 2:35 am

one time there was a tornado. dorthys house went round and round and landed somewhere where it wasnt kansas anymore. there was roads of yellow paint, little people with lollipops, and horses of a different color. a big bubbly bubble bubbled out of the mountains in the distance and came down to where she was. it popped and there appeared a beautiful good witch with a fancy wand with some sparkly ribbon on it. she said follow the yellow brick road to oz and the wizard will help you find your way back home. im sitting in my kitchen looking at your screen name. ready to drop a house on our evil witches and walk down my damn gold road to my wizard thatll give me a balloon to fly back to you. to stay. i miss you kalen. youre me. and without you, i am not.

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