And Then:
07-09-04 - 12:32 am

beach was swell. tan. saw sting ray. waiting tables is the opposite of easy. not like slutty. but yknow. king arthur was very neat. hot girlie with bow n arrow. need to move downtown. braces. sigh. acutane. sigh. soon. started fishing again. good to think and kill worms. must find hair cut place. 21 year old sister. no job. no school. blank. tired.

security over time brings butterflies in bellies to be comfort inside the surrounding minds slowing their time from instants to forever. forever becomes instant the instant you lose that finding, moreover, the feeling or the belief in believing that forever was yours, ours, mine. the sun sets on my soul each night each day, more perfect today than the first or last, as i am at peace and can say that i am completly intact with who i am, because of who you are. i wont forget, as neither will you, the nap in the woods, the dance on the beach, the box that we kissed in, or your short fat feet.
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