And Then:
01-07-04 - 12:10 pm

EyeToy for Ps2 is beyond madness. Big Fish comes out nation-wide Friday. One year = Soon. Protein shakes are swell. Philosophy class starts soon. My dog can't see. I need a haircut, and hair to cut. I know you like to think that yo shit don't stank blablabla roses really smell like poo oo o oo. My tounge is burnt. Trisccuits in the microwave taste like burnt popcorn. i had a dream that there were 50 kids in a white room roller skating blind folded and they all kept smashing into the walls. and these are for her.

I am thinking it's a sign that the freckles

in our eyes are mirror images and when

we kiss they're perfectly aligned

and I have to speculate that God himself

did make us into corresponding shapes like

puzzle pieces from the clay

the postal service - such great heights

you slept in your overalls

after the wrecking ball

bereft you of house and home

and left you with sweet fuck-all

so we got in your car

with our kickabout hearts

and we hollered out 'sweet clementine'

tell your mom to marry us

a candle to carry us

with cans on our bicycle fenders

so sweet and hilarious

and we'll find us a home

built of packaging foam

that will be there 'til after we die

and, i'll play the clarinet

use clamshells for castinets

we play with our bags on our shoulders

my sweet lady lioness

and i watch as you sleep

so indelibly deep

and i hum to you sweet clementine

the decemberists - clementine

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