And Then:
sleep on you
09-01-03 - 4:42 am

id like to shower in dr pepper. handi cap parking should be avalible to anyone. questions that dont have answers arent questions, theyre answers. strapping a bomb to a pizza man and blowing him up after forcing him to rob a bank already happened in password swordfish, criminals are so anti-creative these days. i dont ever see cereal commercials anymore. i like it when hammocks break with you. if i had a million dollars id find a cure for acne. every night for the past some large sounding number of nights i always think of the same thing before i sleep. i close my eyes and think real fast about what you looked like on the couch asleep while gangs of new york was on, and then i think about a cartoon i saw when i was little. where the bear thats in all of the generic looney tune cartoons is hibernating in his cave and i think a fly or a flea or something keeps waking him up and stuff and at the end he ends up destroying the cave and it starts raining. and his cave fills up with water and he just sways back and forth in a little cloth hammock thing and sleeps. thatd just be swell. bit my tounge as i sneezed. smack your thighs together and scream im a butterfly. i always hated stepping on legos. member, penguin said slide.

k: is amy there

x: yeah hold

a: hello

k: whats the capital of california

a: sacremento

k: thanks
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