And Then:
05-09-03 - 2:26 pm

im going to san fran sisco. i get to ride on a real air plane and eat real airline peanuts and get real air line first time flyer wings while a real stuartist asks me if id like a pair of authentic airplane headphones for the movie. i dont think thats how you spell stuartist. i get to go to a listening party / concert at the fillmore with metallica.

Well, the rain beat'n' down on a window pane

I got love for you, and it's all in vain

Brains in a pot, they're beginning to boil

They're drippin' with garlic and olive oil

Tweedle Dee is on his hands and his knees

Sayin', "Throw me something, Mister, please!"

"What's good for you is good for me,"

Said Tweedle Dum to Tweedle Dee.

Well, they're living in a happy harmony

Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee

They're one day older and a dollar short

They got a prayer permit and a police escort

They're lyin' low and they're makin' hay

They seem determined to go all the way

They run a brick 'n' tile company

Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee

- bob dylan

an eclipse forms deep in the snow

tangled hair feels like a rainbow

my hand is a letter i wrote

while her heart is the envelope
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