And Then:
shuttle went boom.
02-01-03 - 8:19 am

i can't imagine how beautiful it was. breaking through the earth's atmosphere like general lee riding through the front lines with sword held high. its like when you go down a big hill in your car and you just take your hands off the wheel and foot off the break and just hold your breath. everyone in the shuttle had to have their fists clinched so tightly. excited. nervous. just waiting. feeling the rumble and seeing sky flash by at a zillion miles an hour. god i bet it was beautiful. i bet they felt like superman. my condolances to their families, but i do hope they remember that they felt like superman, and thats great. see if osama bin laden were smart. he'd get his little group of tubby towel heads together at his moms house again and make a movie about how they made the space shuttle blow up. thatd drive the entire country mad. everyone would just be furious. but thats if he were smart.
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