And Then:
05-22-02 - 3:16 am

long ones. broken ones. fast ones. one way ones. roads make me go forward. roads carry you to school. roads can be evil. roads can lie to you. bending swirving turning and cracking. yellow lines are the wall. dotted i can cross. solid ill die. driving makes me go.

a�lone Pronunciation Key (-ln)


Being apart from others; solitary.

Being without anyone or anything else; only.

Considered separately from all others of the same class.

Being without equal; unique.

small things make big stories. "i like eating the top of cherry turn overs." it made me crazy. things like that do. that concentrated expression on your face when you back out of a parking spot. that electric charge of anxiety flowing from one heart to another as we hold hands in anguish when its time to leave. i think too much when i write. she tries to get me to just write. it never comes out quite how i want. i like a midnight's summer dream. the sky just fell and the earth died. the universe was held up by her eyes and she (not her) tore them down. she is a stork. beat her. kill you. miss her. marry her. save her. rescue. shoes, moonlight. i cant type. my brain was lagged. a million thoughts now flying by. world peace, sneezing in your hand and wiping it in your pocket, a year. a year together. a year of a life. a spirt. branches dont spend this long away from their tree. when they do, the tree is dead. or is that leaves. are the leaves dead, or is the tree. rambling. sleep. miserable. mad. happy. in love. random.

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